Shankarshan Shaligram Shila

Shankarshan Shaligram Shila

Shankarshan word meaning 'Lord Krishna's brother'. The Shankarshan Shila is metallic Shiva Lingam and the Harihara form of Lord Vishnu. This Shila worship for a protected and peaceful environment at home or workplace. The Shila is jet black colored perfectly shaped, small sized, cold to touch, extremely smooth, has flawless yellow or golden impressions on it. This Shila worship for harmony in the family and to make a good relationship with family members.

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Scared Adwaitya Yellow Pradyumna krishna Maha Aniruddha Shankershankh-S-SHN001
Sacred Adwaitya Golden Aniruddha Pradyumna Shankarshankh-S-SHN002
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