Purushottama Shaligram

Purushottama Shaligram

Purushottama( पुरुषोत्तम ) Means Purusha "spirit" or "male" and Uttama, "highest". He is also known as "Supreme Purusha", "Supreme Being", "Supreme God". It means "Foremost Amongst All Men". Its meaning is "One who is the Supreme Purusha beyond the Kshara and Akshara". Purushottama is also one of the names of Lord Vishnu and appears as the 24th name of Lord Vishnu in Vishnu Sahasranama of Mahabharata. 

Lord Ram as an avatar of Lord Vishnu is known as Maryada Purushottama whereas Lord Krishna as an avatar of Lord Vishnu is called Leela or Purushottama.

The Purushottamah Shaligram Shila blesses the devotee with immense power, devotion, and fulfills all wishes. By worshipping this Shaligram Shila the path to salvation and achieving Moksha becomes very clear and easy to achieve. The Shila is very smooth, well-shaped, shiny, small sized, cold to touch, has flawless impressions.

Benefits of worshipping Purushottam Shaligram:

  • For protection against the negative forces, evils, and black magic/occult.
  • For dignity, respect in society.
  • For strong determination, wealth, success, peaceful environment.
  • For philanthropy and austerities.


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