Shashidhara Shaligram

Shashidhara Shaligram

Shashidhra Shaligram is a Harihara form of Lord Vishnu. Shashidhra Shaligram solely represents Lord Shiva having 'Shashi' moon impressions on the Shila. Invariably the moon is of white colour and it may be full moon, or any width of crescent moon. Shashidhra is a very auspicious Shaligram and is extremely rare to find. The white round impressions represent the presence of Shashi (moon) on the Shila. Shashidhra Shaligram it has presence of Lingam with moon impressions, this Shila is considered extremely auspicious and powerful. The Shashidhra Shaligram blesses the devotee with extreme protection, positive flow of energies, auspiciousness and immense peace of mind. The worshipper leads a very respectable and dignified life. He performs all duties in relations like good father or mother or son or a daughter but still remains detached. The Shila blesses with very good health and devotees undertake number of austerities in his life span prior to achieving Salvation. The Shila is extremely smooth, perfectly shaped, lustrous, small sized, cold to touch, has flawless impressions.

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